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Историко-культурологический проект о старой Москве
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Письмо в ЮНЕСКО

На основании имеющихся материалов (использовалось и то, что нашли поссылке в комментариях к нашему посту) составили письмо о ситуации вНоводевичьем монастыре и отправили в ЮНЕСКО - штаб-квартиру в Париже ив бюро в Москве.
TO: UNESCO The World HeritageCentre
7, Place de place de Fontenoy - 75352 Paris 07 SP - France
COPY: UNESCO Bureau in Moscow
Bolshoy Levshinskiyper, 15/28, str.2, Moscow, Russia
August 7, 2008

Dear Sirs,
We would like to draw your attention to outrageous and shocking events, which are takingplace in the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow, Russia.
The Novodevichy Convent is a prominent monument of the 16-17centuries. It was included by UNESCO in the World Heritage List. There areseveral churches and a cemetery in the Convent. Now the Convent’s cemetery is being destroyed.
Here are the details of the inscription:
Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent
Date of Inscription: 2004
Corezone: 5.18 ha
Bufferzone: 47 ha
City of Moscow
N55 43 34.0 E37 33 18.3
Ref: 1097
The monastery cemetery that issituated between the Smolensky Cathedral, the UspeniyaChurch (the Church of Assumption)and the wall that separates the monastery from the Novodevichy cemetery is partlydestroyed. There’s a lawn on its place, left and broken headstones are piled upnear the wall towards the Novodevichy cemetery that is not a part of theensemble of the Novodevichy Convent. We are unaware of its future destiny.
Here are the photos:
Other headstones areneighbours of just built garages. Here are the photos:

Though, Russia is a party tothe World Heritage Convention and it is obliged to conserve all World Heritagesites situated in its territory including the Novodevichy Convent, the abovehas happened.
Under article 35 of theFederal Law of Russia on Objects of Cultural Heritage (Historical and CulturalMonuments) of the Russian Federation nations it’s prohibited to project andcarry out earth, construction, land-improvement and other works on theterritory of a monument or an ensemble except works for conserving thismonument or ensemble as well as its territory.
How can garages appear in sucha place? Moreover, there’s another construction site on the territory of theensemble of the Novodevichy Convent. It’s still unclear what will be there. Allthis breaches the provisions of the international law and the Russianlegislation.
We called to the press serviceof the Historic Museum (the Novodevichy Convent is itsbranch). They said that they didn’t know about such occurrences and asked tocall directly to the Convent. The administration of the Convent cannot be reachedby phone. The press service also confirmed that the Ensemble of the NovodevichyConvent is in joint administration of the Historic Museumand the Orthodox Church.
We ask you to investigate itbecause the Novodevichy Convent being a part of the World Heritage is under seriousthreat. 
Best regards,
Project “Moskva, kotoroy net”